Learn about the activities and accomplishments
of Downtown Norway.
The Gingerbread House
(Norway Landmark Preservation Society)
The Gingerbread House, one of Norway's most unique buildings, is the focus of a restoration and historic preservation effort. To learn more about the history of the building and the plans to save the house, click here. (PDF file, 2.5MB)
The group has purchased and relocated the Gingerbread House in collaboration with Town of Norway and Costello, Inc. A preservation plan by Barba + Wheelock Preservation Artchitects has been completed to guide the task force in its efforts to rehabilitate the house.
Norway Opera House
The Town of Norway initiated legal action directed at the former owner’s neglect of the building. Final action in the eminent domain process favored the Town of Norway's ownership. The Town of Norway tranferrred ownership to the Norway Opera House Corporation. For more information and to make a tax-deductible donation, click here.
Odd Fellows Building
Building deeds have been cleared to enable TD Bank to proceed with the sale of the building.
Located at the western Main Street gateway, the Preserve offers four-season non-motorized recreational opportunities on well-maintained trails with spectacular views. Trails can accommodate casual hikers and serious athletes alike. Plans for the recently purchased Roberts Farmstead (abutting the Preserve) include the creation of a center for community sustainability.
Improvements made:
Rustfield Cemetery rehabilitation
Quartz Bridge restoration
The Trolley Restaurant's streetscaping
Custom-designed street banners
Gateway signage and beautification
Greenspace maintenance
Main Street trail access planning
Town Square Kiosk landscaping and maintenance
Facade and signage consultation
Awards received:
Maine Downtown Center - Outstanding Image Campaign
Custom-designed street banners
Norway Downtown Map & Guide
Duncan Slade Paints Norway, Maine: A Year in a Small Town Calendar
Outstanding Window Display
Norway Savings Bank Operations Center - Western Maine Art Group